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Asian Restaurant

Asian Restaurant

Asian Restaurant FL# 426238sc ace_0001 ace_0002 ace_0003 ace_0004 ace_0005 ace_0006...
CV Retail Center

CV Retail Center

The CV Retail Center is a partially vacant outdoor shopping center located in Santa Clarita.  This location has a vacant fast food drive thru restaurant, doctors office, drug store, grocery store, hair salon and day spa, mexican restaurant, and 2 vacant retail...
Little Cabin Mexican Restaurant

Little Cabin Mexican Restaurant

The Little Cabin Mexican Restaurant is a classic mexican restaurant and bar located in Glendale.  Tile mosaics, a tile and wood bar, and a wall mural mark the interior of this quaint restaurant.  This location is available for Print, Commercial, Television, and...
Embassy Suites

Embassy Suites

Embassy Suites is an upscale midsize hotel located in Santa Clarita.  4 story hotel with square footprint, a large porte cochere sits in front, with a brick driveway. Automatic sliding glass doors open to a modern first floor lobby with check in desk.  A...
Catering Kitchen

Catering Kitchen

Catering Kitchen FL# 414543vn ace_0001 ace_0002 ace_0003 ace_0004 ace_0005 ace_0006 ace_0007 ace_0008 ace_0009 ace_0010 ace_0011 ace_0012 ace_0013 ace_0014 ace_0015 ace_0016 ace_0017 ace_0018 ace_0019 ace_0020 ace_0021 ace_0022 ace_0023 ace_0024 ace_0025 ace_0026...