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Newhall Refinery

Newhall Refinery

The Newhall Refinery is an Industrial Style Gastropub located on Historic Main Street in Newhall (Santa Clarita), CA.  The exposed ceiling, ac ducting, lighting, open kitchen and the long, wood bar accentuate the industrial modern theme.  Sliding glass window opens to...
High End Restaurant

High End Restaurant

  High End Restaurant Main Page Exterior Dining Area Bar Kitchen High End Restaurant FL# 416101en ace_0001 ace_0002 ace_0003 ace_0004 ace_0005 ace_0006 ace_0007 ace_0008 ace_0009 ace_0010 ace_0011 ace_0012 ace_0013 ace_0014 ace_0015 ace_0016 ace_0017 ace_0018...
Wing Bar

Wing Bar

Wing Bar FL# 424501sc ACE_001 ACE_002 ACE_003 ACE_004 ACE_005 ACE_006 ACE_007 ACE_008 ACE_009 ACE_010 ACE_011 ACE_012 ACE_013 ACE_014 ACE_015 ACE_016 ACE_017 ACE_018 ACE_019 ACE_020 ACE_021 ACE_022 ACE_023 ACE_024...
High End Grill

High End Grill

  High End Grill Main Page Exterior Interior Kitchen High End Grill FL# 41555sv ace_0001 ace_0002 ace_0003 ace_0004 ace_0005 ace_0006 ace_0007 ace_0008 ace_0009 ace_0010 ace_0011 ace_0012 ace_0013 ace_0014 ace_0015 ace_0016 ace_0017 ace_0018 ace_0019 ace_0020...
LA Mart

LA Mart

The LA Mart is a 12 story 860,000 square foot creative office and warehouse building located in Downtown LA.  Beautiful downtown lobby, with cafe, front desk check in, large assembly rooms, modern warehouse space, rooms of every shape, size, and style.  This location...