The Nelson House is an “anywhere USA” house located in Santa Clarita. A terracotta roof and white building mark the exterior of the property. The backyard has a concrete patio, a firepit, and some foliage. The interior is marked by hardwood floors, an...
The Mickey House is a two story contemporary “anywhere USA” home located in Santa Clarita. The exterior is marked by a two car garage, palm trees, stone driveway and patio, facade mortar stone pillars, and a wide side gate. The backyard is appointed with...
The Myers House is an “anywhere USA” home located in Santa Clarita. The exterior is marked by a brick line through the lawn, a two car garage, shuddered windows, and a tree in the front yard. The backyard could play midwest, with a lawn, a separate...
The Fawn House is a mid-century modern home located in the San Fernando Valley. Asymmetrical roof angles and a slanted front door are unique features of this location. The backyard has a pool with a diving board in the backyard, an awning covered patio, and small...
The Frost House is a three level modern home located in the Hollywood Hills. The rectangular white structure boasts modern lines that run into glass floor to ceiling windows. A wood bridge leads from the street to the front door. This location has an expansive wood...
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