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Modern Church

Modern Church

The Modern Church is a large amphitheater style church located in Santa Clarita.  The postmodern architecture gives this building a unique quality.  An outdoor grass amphitheater matches the tiered theater style seating inside. Environmentally-conscious...
Chiropractic Office

Chiropractic Office

This location is only available on Sundays. Chiropractic Office Main Page Exterior Interior...


HQ-1 Main Page Exterior Lobby Conference Room Offices Warehouse HQ-1 is a 116,000 square foot warehouse and two story office space located in the Santa Clarita Valley’s Commerce Center.  The exterior has a park with tables, green hedges, foliage in the...
High End Offices

High End Offices

Available for Filming 7 days a week. High End Offices <br> FL# 523780sc Exterior_0001 Exterior_0002 Exterior_0003 Exterior_0004 Exterior_0005 Exterior_0006 Exterior_0007 Exterior_0008 Interior_0001 Interior_0002 Interior_0003 Interior_0004 Interior_0005...
Bank #1

Bank #1

Bank #1 is a one-story, stand alone building that is bank owned and occupied. It is not part of a larger retail center which makes it easier for filming opportunities.  Complete with open teller windows, 2 lobbies with one lobby having a circular reception area just...