The Royal House is a two story victorian style home located in Los Angeles. A hedged gated entrance opens to a small yard and rose garden. A deck fronts the home with a vine adorned terrace above. The backyard has a brick patio, a long pool, and a...
The Simon House is a large contemporary “anywhere USA” home located in Santa Clarita. Stone stairs run up to a patio next to a sloped lawn and garden. A two car garage faces the street. The arched stone portico is a unique quality of this property. The...
The Brandee House is a single story craftsman style suburban home in Santa Clarita. Rock pillars frame the garage and the lawn is well manicured. The backyard has a yard, BBQ area, and concrete patio. The interior is furnished with a brick fireplace,...
The Carpenter house is a Tudor Revival style home on a sprawling 1 acre property located in Santa Clarita. The grounds offer many unique vantages including, mature trees scattered amid long sloping lawns, gated entrance, long winding driveways, porte cochere,...
Smoke Tree Ranch is a 5 acre frontier style homestead located in Valencia. An iron gated entrance opens to a desert style landscape with cactus, bushes, and trees. The grounds include, stables, horse land, arena, small orchard, feed shed, and a back living quarters....
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