The Comic Book store is a quaint community comic book store located in Newhall, CA. This location is set amongst a series of shops in a Victorian style shopping center. The exterior is marked by a brick foundation, and a large glass shop window. The...
Color Me Mine is a do it yourself pottery painting studio and kiln located in Valencia. Main street exterior, with an awning covered entrance. Open floorplan inside, with merchandising racks lining the walls. This location is available for Print,...
The Aloha Coffee Shop is a two-story coffee shop located near in Santa Clarita. This coffee shop is located within a Victorian style commercial center.. It has checkered floors, an upstairs lounge, and a full barista bar. This coffee...
Friendly Valley is a resort style, gated, senior community located in the thirty mile zone specifically in the Santa Clarita Valley. There are more than a 1,000 homes located within this community built over 5 decades – the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties...
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