The Yellow Hills House is a two story home in the Los Angeles Hills. Surrounded by tall hedges, the backyard has a tiered lawn pattern, framed by wood boards and a straight stairwell leads up to a second floor mezzanine with ornate tile flooring. The interior is...
The Bronze House is a two story, contemporary home located in Calabasas. The exterior has a 3 car garage and solar on the roof. Stucco walls, terracotta roof tiles, and an arched gated entry give this home a spanish vibe. The backyard boasts stunning views of the...
The Simon House is a large contemporary “anywhere USA” home located in Santa Clarita. Stone stairs run up to a patio next to a sloped lawn and garden. A two car garage faces the street. The arched stone portico is a unique quality of this property. The...
The Luna House is a townhouse style condo located in Valencia. Quaint tract home on a corner in a HOA community. 2 story with hardwood floors, garage, 2 bedrooms, and an office. Open kitchen, dining room, living room, and den. This location is available for Print,...
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